
CHAMPION STRATEGIES – HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The Art of Consultative Selling (Pt.1)

CHAMPION STRATEGIES – HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The Art of Consultative Selling (Pt.1) How can you enhance your sales team’s performance and guarantee ongoing success? The digitization of sales is increasing the pressure on salespeople to succeed. More informed buyers, along with economic and political uncertainty and disruptive technologies, have all contributed to falling revenues for the average salesperson. It has been estimated that 1 million sales roles will be lost due to automation by 2020. So, does this mean the dawn of the digital revolution will signal the death of the sales profession? In truth, the digital revolution is good news for sales. But this unprecedented change does mean value creation is now critical to success. Sellers who have mastered client-centric skills…

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CHAMPION STRATEGIES – PUBLIC SPEAKING WORKSHOP – SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 Do You Struggle with Imposter Syndrome? Join the Club! Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you’re not really as smart or capable as other people believe. That you’re constantly fooling them. And that, any second now, you’re going to be found out. Unmasked. Exposed as…an imposter. People who suffer from Imposter Syndrome—and lots of very smart and talented people do—think that their success is due to luck, timing, perseverance, their contacts, or people just liking them; anything but their own worth and effort. As you can imagine, or as you know from experience, this is a pretty bad way to feel. And since nothing kicks up self-doubt like public speaking, public speaking is also a…

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CHAMPION STRATEGIES – PUBLIC SPEAKING WORKSHOP – SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Successful Public Speaking Begins with a Choice of Attitude From the moment you learn that you’re going to give a presentation, you get to choose between two attitudes. You can focus on the possibility of screwing up; or on the opportunity to bring your audience potential value. While the first attitude is hard to resist, fixating on possibly screwing up will cast a dark cloud over your entire speaking experience. Choose the Attitude that Leads to Success Instead, choose the attitude that sets you up for a successful presentation: Think about how your knowledge, insights, or attitudes can help your audience succeed. In other words, don’t think about how you will be judged; think about…

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HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 – 19 Social Media Tips for Car Salespeople (Pt. 4)

HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 – 19 Social Media Tips for Car Salespeople (Pt. 4) 14. Share success stories. I’ve always believed that this is the most valuable way to sell a car: by using images and video to ‘tell the story’ of your current customers’ experiences. In advertising, the store may speak of providing exceptional service or you may be highlighting some impressive features of your specific vehicles. But because they get bombarded by so many ads everyday, prospects have a hard time trusting what’s being said. If you wish to earn the trust of potential customers, use social media to showcase proof that will backup your claims. This proof would ideally be the success stories and reviews from your existing customers. Examples…

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CHAMPION STRATEGIES – PUBLIC SPEAKING WORKSHOP – SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 The skillful use of public speaking can improve a company’s sales by allowing you to connect with the audience rather than simply making a sales pitch. If your audience feels they can relate to you, people are more likely to trust you and do business with you. Good public speaking skills make it possible for you to sell the value of what you have to offer to company executives, customers or clients. Making the Sales Pitch Creating an open dialogue with your audience allows people to ask you questions and discuss their thoughts with you. Get to know your audience. Make it a two-way conversation instead of a blatant sales pitch. Innovative thinking motivates people…

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HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 – 19 Social Media Tips for Car Salespeople (Pt. 3)

HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 – 19 Social Media Tips for Car Salespeople (Pt. 3) 10. Use a script for your testimonial video. Using a script is your secret to success. A testimonial video should last 1-2 minutes. The following script inspires the customer so they don’t have to think about what to say on their own. It also helps you to focus on getting the testimonial rather than thinking up what to ask your customer. Here’s my script (it’s an introduction and 4 simple questions): Testimonial Intro: Tell us about yourself (First name, city of residence) Is this your first (brand name)? (or, fill in the brand they bought if they bought a used vehicle) If they say yes: What made you decide…

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CHAMPION STRATEGIES – PUBLIC SPEAKING WORKSHOP – SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 Take free online public speaking courses from top universities and institutions today. Learn how to sharpen your presentation skills, overcome the fear of public speaking, how body language changes everything, the art of persuasive speeches, public speaking tips, and how to deliver effective presentations each and every time. Brush up on your public speaking skills and become an effective presenter today! What is Public Speaking? Public speaking is the act of giving a speech or presentation to a live audience with a goal to inform, persuade, or entertain. Many people cite public speaking as one of their biggest fears, but with practice, you can learn to build confidence and improve your skills to enjoy public…

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HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 – 19 Social Media Tips for Car Salespeople (Pt. 2)

HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 – 19 Social Media Tips for Car Salespeople (Pt. 2) 4. Do five things everyday. There’s a lot of “downtime” on the sales floor, amirite? Make use of your time by committing to doing five things everyday that will further your value with prospects. Here are some examples: Like a post. Share something newsworthy. Comment on a post (but it must provide value to the conversation). Wish Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary to your connections. Publish a relevant story or image. Follow an influencer (and comment on their post). Google yourself…then take action on what you see or don’t see. Write an article on your blog, Facebook or LinkedIn. Ask for a review. 5. Connect with existing clients, colleagues…

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CHAMPION STRATEGIES – PUBLIC SPEAKING WORKSHOP – SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The clock is ticking. You are only 30 minutes away from giving your first ever presentation to your new company’s board. You’ve done the preparation and you’ve checked over your PowerPoint twice. You’ve rehearsed the whole thing out loud. Then, just to be sure, you recorded yourself on your phone and listened back to it. You’ve done everything you can to ensure that you’re definitely, totally, no word of a lie, ready. And you’re feeling it, too. That is, until a distant memory creeps into your mind—when you were giving an important briefing to the senior partners and some key investors, only to look down at your second page of notes and find a blank…

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CHAMPION STRATEGIS Strategies for customer centered selling success

CHAMPION STRATEGIS Strategies for customer centered selling success HARDISON’S TIPS – SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 Do You Know How a Guest Remembers You? I was speaking with a few sales consultants before my training class started this week. We talked about their holiday, family, sports, etc. It’s always good to see people that you have trained over the years, still enjoying the art of selling. Then my conversational questions got to appointments, follow up, networking, CRM and keeping the lifeline full with repeat and referral opportunities. One of the sales consultants who I initially trained four (4) years ago and had seniority over the other two (2) sales consultants said. “You know, you always say that and there might be something to it but I just…

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