Advanced Methods
After you feel comfortable with basic delivery methods, you can begin to explore some of the more challenging ways to present and facilitate learning experiences.
Role play: Role playing allows participants to act out a behavioral role. This exercise, done with small groups or large groups, allows members to expand their awareness of varying points of view, and provides an experiential learning opportunity. A role play can be used in several ways; to solve a participant problem, clarify or sharpen an issue, or demonstrate a skill approach to a task. Importantly, it gives people an opportunity to practice a skill or approach in a safe environment and use the experience later on the job.
Here are several tips for managing a role play exercises:
- Obtain volunteers, rather than making assignments
- Use role play later in the training session, when participants know each other better
- Select low-threat situations, such as a work group holding a staff meeting.
Problem solving: Problem solving experiences are increasingly popular in training presentations because they allow participants to gain “real world” experience that often depicts a similar workplace scenario.
There are three phases to a problem-solving exercise:
- Defining the problem and generating data about it
- Give details defining why the problem exists
- Discuss logical and emotional appeals
- Generating potential solutions
- Explain why this would help the audience
- Selecting and implementing a solution
- Explain to the audience what they need to do
Virtual Presentations: Work teams may be spread across the country or around the world. Webinars, videoconference platforms and teleconferences allow you to reach a global audience. As convenient as these options may be in our modern world, there are a few points to consider when preparing and delivering virtually:
- Consider the background-what will the audience see
- Be mindful of lighting, close the blinds, light your face
- Wear neutral colors with no patterns
- Look into the camera not at the screen or the audience
- Stand if possible, you will have better control of your movements and of your breathing
- Plug into your modem to ensure an uninterrupted connection
- Ten-minute rule: after that, encourage participation or change methods – use visuals, audience engagement
- Rehearse to ensure everything works. Record your practice session, re watch and decipher what could be improved
- If possible, have someone nearby to assist with any issues that may arise to ensure no interruption
Basic Criteria to Consider
A training presentation may use any combination of delivery methods as long as the net result is to achieve learning outcomes, and consider organizational requirements and constraints. The process below will help you select the best training delivery options to meet your training needs.
- List all possible learning methodologies that could be used to achieve the session objectives.
- The 4 most common methods of learning – VARK- visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic
- Your audience will undoubtedly be comprised of all four learning styles; use of audio-visual tools, workbooks/handouts, and activities and discussion should all be included as delivery methods to ensure everyone has a chance to pick up on key notes of the presentation
- Identify possible delivery options for the learning methodologies.
- PowerPoint, flip chart – visual, reading/writing
- Clear enunciation, well-paced speech – auditory
- Workbooks, activities – kinesthetic, reading/writing
- Identify the organizational (understand what you are permitted and not permitted to do), presenter (know your own limitations), facility, and resource parameters (is there enough room for activities and breakout sessions) and the impact each will have on delivery options.
Practical Illustration
Fatima finished the first hour and a half of her presentation. When the training broke for a quick fifteen minutes, she reflected. During the training, she’d noticed that some of the participants seemed sluggish and unfocused.
When everyone returned to their seats, Fatima spoke to the audience with fresh enthusiasm. “Our next segment of the training deals with the notorious subject of customer complaints. I know that there’s a wealth of experience in this room already. So, I want you to turn to the person next to you and share a time when you received a customer complaint and how you dealt with it.”
Fatima watched the participants become involved in their discussions. The room re-energized and the training became more interactive and more successful.