
Shop Smart Autos On Cable TV

Launches Sunday Morning Cable Show.

Just when we thought automotive and digital influencer, Richie Bello, finally settled in his lane, he brings his attention to the car buyer on his new Sunday morning show that reaches every cable subscriber. is the brainchild of Richie Bello, who has over three decades in the automotive industry and is recognized as an automotive and digital influencer. Bello supports the automotive industry with solutions and training to be more and more connected to consumers. A best-selling author and trainer, Bello has been podcasting to his industry, reaching as many as a half million views on some of his episodes. He has spent years focusing on helping the automotive industry keep doing a better job. Automotive Dealer News, Bello’s Network focuses on the industry with programs like Game Face Monday,


where Bello features the products and services the industry should consider that strengthen relationships with consumers. Automotive Training News focuses on supporting dealers with trainers on the show in sales, service, financing, and operation to continue to improve the industry overall. Sunday mornings drivers will now be able to turn on Bello, who’s deep knowledge and intense delivery makes him a perfect advocate for consumers. His co-host, Jill Nicolini has been a co-host with Bello on his podcast programs. Jill brings her television reporting experience and refreshing personality that keeps the show on track. She’s been in broadcast for over a decade and with Richie Bello’s programming for almost two years. “Jill was referred to us by our production studio, GVP Digital Media Group, where we produce our live podcasts and our cable show. Jill knows how to stay on the program’s topic and is credible.” said Bello. Just what makes ShopSmartAutos know they can hold the interest of viewers week of week? It’s in the numbers. The cable and social media audience that Altice has in the Metro New York market and Bello’s ability to reach the current car buying audience in that market, the show will have great viewership. The first two episodes have proven that when Richie Bello makes up his mind to deliver a product or service, the content will be engaging and will keep his audience growing. One of the segments on the program is a dealer spotlight. This segment highlights a new or pre-owned dealer in the market that’s relevant to the topic. is on Sunday mornings on Altice Cable, Channel 1 at 8:30am.

©Jeanne Fontana

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